吴 平
姓 名:吴 平
性 别:男
级 别:高级人员
职 称:教授
职 务:系主任
个人简介:主持课题:国家自然科学基金重点项目“水稻稻米品质性状遗传及环境“调控机理”,美国洛克菲勒基金国际合作课题“水稻耐酸性土壤磷胁迫、亚铁与铝毒害基因定位”,国家杰出青年基金课题:“水稻营养高效与抗逆重要基因研究与利用”等。主要论文:1. Nonallelic interaction conditioning spikelet sterility in an F2 population of indica/japonica cross in rice. 2. Molecular-marker-facilitated investigation on the abilty to stimulate N2 fixation in the rhizosphere by irrigated rice plants. 3. Characterization of tissue tolerance to ferrous iron in rice using molecular markers. 4. QTLs underlying rice tolerance to low-potassium stress in rice seedlings. 5.Investigation on genetic relation between plant height and tiller number in RFLP markers.
性 别:男
级 别:高级人员
职 称:教授
职 务:系主任
个人简介:主持课题:国家自然科学基金重点项目“水稻稻米品质性状遗传及环境“调控机理”,美国洛克菲勒基金国际合作课题“水稻耐酸性土壤磷胁迫、亚铁与铝毒害基因定位”,国家杰出青年基金课题:“水稻营养高效与抗逆重要基因研究与利用”等。主要论文:1. Nonallelic interaction conditioning spikelet sterility in an F2 population of indica/japonica cross in rice. 2. Molecular-marker-facilitated investigation on the abilty to stimulate N2 fixation in the rhizosphere by irrigated rice plants. 3. Characterization of tissue tolerance to ferrous iron in rice using molecular markers. 4. QTLs underlying rice tolerance to low-potassium stress in rice seedlings. 5.Investigation on genetic relation between plant height and tiller number in RFLP markers.